Topic : Career Development (8)
| | Look beyond job titles to match you with new opportunities related to the skills and training you already have | Workforce | Yes | Career Development | Skill Explorer looks beyond job titles to match you with new opportunities related to the skills and training you already have. Jobs you may not have considered. It's a smart way to widen your career options and find a great job. |  | Skill Explorer | http://skillexplorer.wisconsin.gov/Search.aspx | 3 | Do a Skill Search | http://skillexplorer.wisconsin.gov/Search.aspx | | Skill Explorer |
| | View resources for apprentices or contact the Bureau of Apprenticeship | Workforce | No | Career Development | | | | | | | http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/apprenticeship | | Apprenticeship in Wisconsin |
| | Explore careers or prepare for college through Wisconsin Technical Colleges | Workforce | No | Career Development | | | | | | | http://www.wistechcolleges.org | | Wisconsin Technical Colleges |
| | Learn more about the programs and majors offered across the state, along with admissions and other valuable information | Workforce | No | Career Development | | | | | | | https://www.wisconsin.edu/information-for-students-families | | Wisconsin Public University System |
| | View a list of license occupations in the State of Wisconsin | Workforce | No | Career Development | | | | | | | http://worknet.wisconsin.gov/worknet/Occlist.aspx?menuselection=js&listtype=license | | Licensed Occupations |
| | View the options to seek more education and improve your employability if you have not yet completed high school | Workforce | No | Career Development | | | | | | | http://dpi.wi.gov/ged | | Wisconsin GED/HSED Program |
| | Find tools to help you take charge and meet your career goals through self assessment | Workforce | No | Career Development | | | | | | | http://www.wisconsinjobcenter.org/planacareer/default.htm | | Resources for Planning a Career |
| | Apply for licenses, submit complaints, access registries or signup for exams with the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection | Workforce | No | Career Development | | | | | | | https://mydatcp.wi.gov/ | | MyDATCP Online Services |
Topic : Economic Development (6)
| | View information on the council that assists the governor in developing innovative approaches to develop Wisconsin's workforce | Workforce | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://www.wi-cwi.org | | Governor's Council on Workforce Investment |
| | View information available grants that help business train and retain highly skilled workers | Workforce | Yes | Economic Development | Wisconsin Fast Forward helps address the state's need for skilled workers. The program created worker training grants and makes other investments to prepare workers for jobs available today and in the years to come. |  | Wisconsin Fast Forward | http://wisconsinfastforward.com/wff_standard.htm | 2 | View Wisconsin Fast Forward | http://wisconsinfastforward.com/wff_standard.htm | | Wisconsin Fast Forward |
| | View statistics on the unemployment rate, job projections and other workforce information | Workforce | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://wisconsinjobcenter.org/labormarketinfo | | Labor Market Information |
| | View programs and jobs related to specific key industrics within the State of Wisconsin | Workforce | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | https://jobcenterofwisconsin.com/Industries/Default.aspx | | Key Industries |
| | View current initiatives offered by WWDA to assist businesses looking for workers | Workforce | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://www.wwda.org | | Wisconsin Workforce Development Association |
| | Search for major employers in your area and view employer profiles | Workforce | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://worknet.wisconsin.gov/worknet/LargeEmpSrch.aspx?menuselection=emp | | Wisconsin's Major Employer Search |
Topic : Employer Resources (10)
| | Find resources on how to retain a well-trained workforce | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | http://dwd.wi.gov/dvr/business/default.htm | | Recruiting & Retaining Workers with Disabilities |
| | View the Veterans' Employment Toolkit that provides a variety of outside resources for employers, manages or supervisors | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | http://www.va.gov/vetsinworkplace/resources.asp | | Hire a Veteran |
| | View job training initiatives and informatinon on tax credits | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | http://dwd.wi.gov/jobservice/taxcredit | | Hiring Incentives & Tax Credits |
| | Report new hires as required within 20 days online and view other resources | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/uinh | | New Hire Reporting |
| | View unemployment news, tax and wage reports and other resources | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | http://dwd.wi.gov/uitax | | Employer Unemployment Resources |
| | Develop better employees with an education tailored to your company | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | http://www.wistechcolleges.org/employer-resources | | Wisconsin Technical Colleges Employer Resources |
| | View insurance requirements, employer publications and resources for purchasing insurance | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | http://dwd.wi.gov/wc/employers | | Workers' Comp Resources |
| | Give your company an edge with hiring apprentices that work and train | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/apprenticeship/featured.htm | | Become a Sponsor for Apprenticeship |
| | View legal obligations and steps to classify a worker as an employee or contractor | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/worker-classification/ | | Worker Classification |
| | View resources and information about foreign labor certification programs | Workforce | No | Employer Resources | | | | | | | https://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov/ | | Foreign Labor Classification |
Topic : Find Employment (4)
| | View and attend career expos and job fairs to find job openings | Workforce | No | Find Employment | | | | | | | http://wisconsinjobcenter.org/events | | Workforce Events |
| | Get assistance to prepare, secure, retain or regain employment | Workforce | No | Find Employment | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dvr/job-seekers/ | | Vocational Rehabilitation for Job Seekers |
| | Search current job openings using the Job Center of Wisconsin | Workforce | Yes | Find Employment | Need to search job openings? The Job Center of Wisconsin connects talent with opportunities throughout the State of Wisconsin |  | Find a job | https://www.jobcenterofwisconsin.com | 3 | Find a job | https://www.jobcenterofwisconsin.com | | Job Center of Wisconsin |
| | View services for Veterans with significant barriers to employment | Workforce | No | Find Employment | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/veterans/ | | Employment for Veterans |
Topic : Rights & Resources (5)
| | View information on occupations in Wisconsin that have the most openings | Workforce | No | Rights & Resources | | | | | | | http://worknet.wisconsin.gov/worknet/joblist_mostopen.aspx?menuselection=js | | Occupation Growth in Wisconsin |
| | View news and resources for worker unemployment benefits | Workforce | No | Rights & Resources | | | | | | | http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/uiben/ | | Unemployment Benefit Services |
| | Seek DVR services if you want to work and you have a disability | Workforce | No | Rights & Resources | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/DVRApply/Presentation/Eligibility/DVRMission.aspx | | Referral for Vocational Rehabilitation Services |
| | View resources as a recently laid off employee to gain unemployment insurance or receive job search assistance | Workforce | No | Rights & Resources | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dislocatedworker/ | | Resources for Dislocated Workers |
| | View information on equal rights, child labor, civil rights laws and more | Workforce | No | Rights & Resources | | | | | | | http://dwd.wi.gov/er | | Workplace Rights |