Topic : Education & Learning (5)
| Learn more about the importance of a high quality early childhood education | Resident | No | Education & Learning | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/youngstar/parents/resources | Early Childhood Education |
| Find a library near you of view a full list of Wisconsin public libraries and websites | Resident | No | Education & Learning | | | | | | | http://dpi.wi.gov/early-childhood/programs | Early Childhood Education Programs |
| View State issued report cards for a school district in your area | Resident | No | Education & Learning | | | | | | | https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards | School District Report Cards |
| Learn about Wisconsin history, State Symbols and the meaning behind the flag | Resident | No | Education & Learning | | | | | | | /Pages/wisconsinforkids.aspx | Wisconsin for Kids |
| Search the Wisconsin public school district directory | Resident | No | Education & Learning | | | | | | | https://apps4.dpi.wi.gov/SchoolDirectory/Search/PublicDistrictsSearch | Wisconsin School Directory |
Topic : Government Resources (26)
| File a consumer protection, food safety, animal health, swimming pool or other complaint | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs_Services/Complaints.aspx | Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection Complaints |
| View information on permit and registrations or renew your license online | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://dsps.wi.gov/LicensesPermitsRegistrations/Credentialing-Division-Home-Page/Renewal-Homepage/Professional-Credential-Renewal | Credential Renewal |
| Locate inmates housed in Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) facilities or offenders under supervision | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://offender.doc.state.wi.us/lop/ | Department of Corrections Offender Locator |
| View many of the disease prevention strategies of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/diseases-conditions/disease-prevention.htm | Disease Prevention |
| Add your home or cell phone to the free registry to help reduce telemarketing calls | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Online_Services/DoNotCall.aspx | Do Not Call Registry |
| Apply for emergency assistance, a one-time payment that can help low-income families pay for emergency housing or utility-related expense | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/ea | Emergency Assistance |
| File an insurance complaint, ask an insurance question or send documents for a filed complaint | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://ociaccess.oci.wi.gov/complaints/public/ | Insurance Complaints |
| View publications on a variety of insurance topics such as auto, health, and homeowner's, free of charge | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://oci.wi.gov/Pages/Consumers/ConsumerPublications.aspx | Insurance Consumer Publications |
| Lookup the status of an individual's credential or license | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://app.wi.gov/licensesearch | License Lookup |
| Search for licensed insurance agents and companies in Wisconsin | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://sbs.naic.org/solar-external-lookup/ | Licensed Insurance Agents & Companies |
| Get assistance in locating life insurance policies and annuities | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://oci.wi.gov/Pages/Consumers/LifeAndAnnuities.aspx#lifepolicylocator | Life Insurance Policy Locator Service |
| Search by Board or Profession to verify if discplinary actions have been taken against a Wisconsin license holder | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/SelfService/OrdersDisciplinaryActions.aspx | Lookup Orders & Disciplinary Actions |
| As a veteran, you can use myWisVets to determine your eligibility for benefits, programs, and services | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://www.myWisVets.com | myWisVets |
| Request an official verification of your license or exam score to be sent to another state's board or agency | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://app.wi.gov/LicenseVerification | Online License Verification Service |
| View and comment on public utility rate changes before proceedings, public input is essential to reach the most fair and reasonable decision possible | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://apps.psc.wi.gov/vs2010/dockets/comment.aspx | Public Utility Rate Cases |
| File or resolve a dispute with your utility regarding electric, natural gas, water and local telephone service | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://apps.psc.wi.gov/vs2010/complaint/consumer/FileComplaint.aspx | Public Utility Service Complaints |
| Locate information on property sales in Wisconsin | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://propertyinfo.revenue.wi.gov/WisconsinProd/forms/htmlframe.aspx?mode=content/home.htm | Real Estate Transfer Return (RETR) Search |
| Learn how to obtain a REAL ID-compliant driver license or ID card, which will be required beginning October 1, 2021. | Resident | Yes | Government Resources |
Beginning May 7, 2025, you will need a REAL ID-compliant driver license, ID or another acceptable form of identification (such as a passport) to fly within the U.S., enter a military base or government building.
|  | Image of a Wisconsin Drivers License with the READ ID badge visible | http://wisconsindot.gov/pages/dmv/license-drvs/how-to-apply/realid.aspx | | Learn more about REAL ID | http://wisconsindot.gov/pages/dmv/license-drvs/how-to-apply/realid.aspx | REAL ID |
| Report Wisconsin Unemployment Benefit Fraud through Department of Workforce Development | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/ui/fraud/report.htm | Unemployment Benefit Fraud |
| Find inmates housed in Wisconsin county jails or individuals subject to protective orders | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://www.vinelink.com/#/home/site/50100 | VINELink – Wisconsin |
| Obtain copies, search records, and access other services related to birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates, and declaration and termination of domestic partnerships | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/vitalrecords/index.htm | Vital Records |
| Get notified before lawn care and landscape companies apply pesticides to neighboring property | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://datcpservices.wisconsin.gov/landreg/index.jsp | Wisconsin Landscape Registry |
| A centralized location for state agencies to post open meeting notices and meeting minutes | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://publicmeetings.wi.gov/ | Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes |
| Search for sex offenders required to register with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://offender.doc.state.wi.us/public/ | Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry |
| View a county map of health insurance companies offering plans in your area | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://oci.wi.gov/Pages/Consumers/FindHealthInsurer.aspx | Wisconsin's Health Insurer Map |
| Report Worker's Compensation Fraud through Department of Workforce Development | Resident | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/wc/insurance/fraud/ | Worker's Compensation Fraud |
Topic : Housing (2)
| View the financing options that gets you a mortgage you can afford long-term | Resident | No | Housing | | | | | | | https://www.wheda.com/Home-Buyers/Available-Programs | Available Programs for Home Buyers |
| Find a place to rent within the State of Wisconsin that fits your needs and budget | Resident | No | Housing | | | | | | | http://wihousingsearch.org | Find an Apartment |
Topic : Job Resources (8)
| View employment resources for individuals that have disabilities and impairments | Resident | No | Job Resources | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dvr | Employment Resources |
| Apply for a short term job access loan | Resident | No | Job Resources | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/w2/parents/jal | Job Access Loans |
| Create your resume and search for jobs in the State of Wisconsin | Resident | Yes | Job Resources | Need to search job openings, post a new opportunity or search for a potential resume match? The Job Center of Wisconsin connects talent with opportunities throughout the State of Wisconsin
|  | Job Center of Wisconsin | https://jobcenterofwisconsin.com | 1 | Find a Job | https://jobcenterofwisconsin.com | Job Center of Wisconsin |
| Linking your skills and knowledge to job postings | Resident | No | Job Resources | | | | | | | http://skillexplorer.wisconsin.gov/Search.aspx | Skill Explorer |
| View the Official Employment website of the Wisconsin State Government | Resident | No | Job Resources | | | | | | | http://wisc.jobs/public/index.asp | Wisc.Jobs |
| View information on employment preparation, case management and cash assistance for your family | Resident | No | Job Resources | | | | | | | http://dcf.wisconsin.gov/w2/default.htm | Wisconsin (W-2) Program |
| WiscJobsforVets is designed to connect veterans with disabilities to jobs within state agencies through expedited recruitment | Resident | No | Job Resources | | | | | | | https://wiscjobsforvets.wi.gov/public/index.asp | Wisconsin Jobs for Vets |
| View and attend career expos and job fairs | Resident | No | Job Resources | | | | | | | http://wisconsinjobcenter.org/events | Workforce Events |
Topic : Job Training (6)
| Prepare for your career through The Wisconsin Technical College System | Resident | No | Job Training | | | | | | | http://www.wtcsystem.edu/initiatives-events/career-technical-education | Career & Technical Education |
| View services for Veterans with significant barriers to employment | Resident | No | Job Training | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/veterans/ | Employment for Veterans |
| Find out where to apply for job training and employment services through Wisconsin Works (W-2) | Resident | No | Job Training | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/w2/parents/locator | Find Your Local W-2 Agency |
| Get information about college affordability and student loans | Resident | No | Job Training | | | | | | | http://lookforwardwi.gov | Look Forward to Your Future |
| Get information about Wisconsin's subsidized job programs through Department of Children and Families | Resident | No | Job Training | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/w2/parents/subsidized-employment-information | Subsidized Employment Programs |
| Get assistance to prepare, secure, retain or regain employment | Resident | No | Job Training | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dvr/jobseek.htm | Vocational Rehabilitation for Job Seekers |
Topic : Outdoor Recreation (6)
| It's easier than ever to get out and Go Wild and buy licenses and registrations in one place | Resident | Yes | Outdoor Recreation | Looking for outdoor adventure? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is making it easier than ever to get out and Go Wild by offering key licenses and registrations all in one place. |  | Job Center of Wisconsin | https://gowild.wi.gov | 3 | Plan your next adventure | https://gowild.wi.gov | Buy a License or Permit |
| View weather-related health information on winter weather, flooding, storms, and summer temperature safety tips | Resident | No | Outdoor Recreation | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/climate/weather/weather-index.htm | Climate & Health in Wisconsin |
| Access information about all of Wisconsin's public access lands | Resident | No | Outdoor Recreation | | | | | | | http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/lands | Find State Parks, Forests or Natural Areas |
| Find resources about fishing locations, regulations, season dates and more | Resident | No | Outdoor Recreation | | | | | | | http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Fishing | Fishing in Wisconsin |
| Learn about admission fees for the state parks and how to purchase an admission sticker | Resident | No | Outdoor Recreation | | | | | | | http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/admission.html | Purchase a State Park Admission Sticker |
| Reserve a camping spot at one of Wisconsin’s 95 state parks, forests, trails, and recreation areas | Resident | No | Outdoor Recreation | | | | | | | https://wisconsin.goingtocamp.com/ | Reserve a Campsite |
Topic : Social Services, Health & Safety (3)
| View resources for individuals that have disabilities and impairments | Resident | No | Social Services, Health & Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/disabilities/index.htm | Disabilities & Impairments |
| View Wisconsin's long term care options for the elderly, impaired and disabled | Resident | No | Social Services, Health & Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/long-term-care-support.htm | Long-Term Care & Support |
| Report suspected abuse or neglect to Child Protective Services | Resident | No | Social Services, Health & Safety | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/reportabuse | Report Child Abuse & Neglect |
Topic : Social Services, Health and Safety (13)
| View a broad range of programs and services and get accurate, unbiased information from ADRC on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/adrc/index.htm | Aging & Disability Resources Centers (ADRCs) |
| Apply for child support services through Department of Children and Families | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/cs/apply | Apply for Child Support Services |
| Apply for health care coverage if you are a low-income Wisconsin resident | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/badgercareplus/index.htm | BadgerCare+ |
| View resources through Department of Children and Families on how to become an adoptive parent | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/adoption/become | Become an Adoptive Parent |
| This toolkit provides information, resources, lessons learned, and steps for building a dementia-friendly community | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/dementia/communities.htm | Building Dementia-Friendly Communities |
| Find out how to apply for a child care or child, group home or resident care license | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/licensing | Child Care Licensing |
| Find information about the Wisconsin child care subsidy | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | http://dcf.wisconsin.gov/childcare/wishares | Childcare Assistance |
| Find health and residential care providers in your area and check their certification and compliance records | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/guide/provider-search.htm | Health & Residential Care Provider Search Tool |
| Find a your local Health and Human Services Department, search for a treatment provider or view information on health insurance coverage | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/mh/hccindex.htm | Mental Health Services |
| View State food program information including woman, infants and children (WIC) | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/prevention-healthy-living/nutrition-food-assistance.htm | Nutrition & Food Assistance |
| View services provided for drug and alcohol abuse | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/aoda/index.htm | Substance Abuse Services |
| Find out how to become a foster parent | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/fostercare/parent | Wisconsin Foster Parent Information |
| Find information about child care providers in your community | Resident | No | Social Services, Health and Safety | | | | | | | http://childcarefinder.wisconsin.gov/Search/Search.aspx?type=b&YoungStarProviders=true | YoungStar |
Topic : Taxes (5)
| View individual, sales, use, county, business and excise tax rates | Resident | No | Taxes | | | | | | | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/FAQS/pcs-taxrates.aspx | State & County Tax Rates |
| Refund 123 is the fastest way to get the latest information about your refund | Resident | No | Taxes | | | | | | | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/apps/taxreturnstatus.aspx | Where's My Refund? |
| View instructions and videos to file your State taxes electronically | Resident | No | Taxes | | | | | | | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/wi_efile/index.html | Wisconsin e-File |
| View online services, filing instructions, helpful videos and answers to common questions | Resident | Yes | Taxes | Taxes can be confusing. Find information from The Wisconsin Department of Revenue on filing requirements, form instructions, wage statements, extensions, electronic filing and payment information. |  | Wisconsin Income Tax Resources | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/Individuals/income.aspx | 2 | View individual tax information | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/Individuals/income.aspx | Wisconsin Income Tax Resources |
| View property owner guides and information on tax credits | Resident | No | Taxes | | | | | | | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/propertytax/index.html | Wisconsin Property Tax Resources |