Topic : Economic Development (12)
| | Find lending resources specific to agricultural businesses | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | https://www.wheda.com/Business-Lending/Financing-Products/ |
| | Locate information about economic development resources in Wisconsin | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | https://wedc.org/programs/?fwp_programsresources_category=program-grow |
| | Access lending tools for small and medium sized businesses | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | https://www.wheda.com/Business-Lending |
| | View programs and resources to build economic development for communities | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://inwisconsin.com/community |
| | Search programs to enhance environmental and economic performance | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://dnr.wi.gov/Business |
| | Find information and resources about exporting from Wisconsin | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://inwisconsin.com/export |
| | File your annual report that state law requires businesses to file each year | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | https://openforbusiness.wi.gov/DFIannualreports |
| | Register your business or file an annual report | Business | Yes | Economic Development | OSB creates an easy step-through process where Wisconsin's businesses can find the requirements and tools they need to start a business in Wisconsin. |  | Register Your Business at One Stop Business Registration | https://openforbusiness.wi.gov | 1 | Start a business or file an annual report | https://openforbusiness.wi.gov |
| | Find resources for doing business in Wisconsin and use the Site Selection tool | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | Economic Development | http://inwisconsin.com/select-wisconsin |
| | Register a trademark or tradename or assign a trademark or tradename to a new business entity | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://www.wdfi.org/Apostilles_Notary_Public_and_Trademarks/forms_trademark.htm |
| | Do business in Milwaukee through this public-private partnership | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://www.transformmilwaukee.com |
| | Get answers to essential business questions at no cost | Business | No | Economic Development | | | | | | | http://www.wisconsinsbdc.org/business-answerline |
Topic : Economic Indicators (4)
| | View information on IT in education, lifelong learning resources and more | Business | No | Economic Indicators | | | | | | | http://dpi.wi.gov/dlt |
| | View State issued report cards for a school district in your area | Business | No | Economic Indicators | | | | | | | https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards |
| | Learn about Wisconsin history, State Symbols and the meaning behind the flag | Business | No | Economic Indicators | | | | | | | /Pages/WisconsinforKids.aspx |
| | Search the Wisconsin public school district directory | Business | No | Economic Indicators | | | | | | | https://apps4.dpi.wi.gov/SchoolDirectory/Search/PublicDistrictsSearch |
Topic : Finding Employees (6)
| | Connect with job ready veteran employees | Business | No | Finding Employees | | | | | | | http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/veterans/home_employers.htm |
| | Post a job opening or search for potential employees in the State of Wisconsin | Business | No | Finding Employees | | | | | | | https://jobcenterofwisconsin.com |
| | Post job openings, search candidates, and access related business resources | Business | Yes | Finding Employees | Need to post a new opportunity or search for a potential resume match? The Job Center of Wisconsin connects talent with opportunities throughout the State of Wisconsin |  | Post a job opening | https://jobcenterofwisconsin.com/presentation/Employers/Default.aspx | 3 | Post a job opening | https://jobcenterofwisconsin.com/presentation/Employers/Default.aspx |
| | Find resources on how to retain a well-trained workforce | Business | No | Finding Employees | | | | | | | http://dwd.wi.gov/dvr/business/default.htm |
| | Complete an online evaluation to help you determine whether workers are employees or independent contractors | Business | No | Finding Employees | | | | | | | https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/worker_classification/ |
| | View and attend career expos and job fairs to fill your job openings | Business | No | Finding Employees | | | | | | | http://wisconsinjobcenter.org/events |
Topic : Government Resources (7)
| | This toolkit provides provide employers with the knowledge and tools needed to successfully support employees who are caring for a loved one with dementia | Business | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/dementia/employers.htm |
| | Register and search the patient database to help reduce the misuse, abuse and diversion of prescribed controlled substance medications | Business | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://pdmp.wi.gov |
| | File or amend a uniform commercial code (UCC) document | Business | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://www.wdfi.org/ucc/instantUCC/ |
| | Locate information on Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection licenses for businesses | Business | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Licenses_Permits/AToZLicenseList.aspx |
| | Search by year, county, municipality and roll type | Business | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://ww2.revenue.wi.gov/RETRWebRolls/application |
| | View information on how to do business with the state, get information on state agency procurement staff, and a view summary of what the state buys | Business | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | https://vendornet.wi.gov/ |
| | View information about licensing and raffle regulation conducted by charitable organizations | Business | No | Government Resources | | | | | | | http://doa.wi.gov/divisions/gaming/charitable/raffle/raffle-license |
Topic : Infrastructure (5)
| | Register your firm and view state design consultant opportunities | Business | No | Infrastructure | | | | | | | https://doa.wi.gov/Pages/DoingBusiness/AE_Selection.aspx |
| | Learn about the Department and its mission to meet changing and growing transportation needs | Business | No | Infrastructure | | | | | | | http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/about-wisdot/who-we-are/dept-overview/default.aspx |
| | View construction projects being bid or for which proposals will be solicited | Business | No | Infrastructure | | | | | | | http://wisbuildnet.doa.state.wi.us/(S(lhgy3wez4gxejjnop1giehwr))/public/bidlist_public.aspx |
| | Use the online location search tool to find sites that meet your specific criteria | Business | No | Infrastructure | | | | | | | http://inwisconsin.com/select-wisconsin/available-sites |
| | Find information about infrastructure studies and projects in regions of the state | Business | No | Infrastructure | | | | | | | http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/by-region/default.aspx |
Topic : Taxes (4)
| | Find information about tax incentives, organized by industry and incentive type | Business | No | Taxes | | | | | | | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/Businesses/incentives-finder.aspx |
| | Find resources for businesses, tax information and forms and a calendar of events | Business | Yes | Taxes | Access tax information, forms, resources and frequently asked questions as a business through the Department of Revenue website. |  | Business Tax Information | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/Businesses/home.aspx | 2 | View business tax resource information | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/Businesses/home.aspx |
| | Use the business tax system for the Wisconsin Department of Revenue to view and complete transactions online | Business | No | Taxes | | | | | | | https://tap.revenue.wi.gov/mta/ |
| | View individual, sales, use, county, business and excise tax rates | Business | No | Taxes | | | | | | | https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/FAQS/pcs-taxrates.aspx |
Topic : Training Employees (4)
| | Find an apprentice or provide a career ladder to promote your currently unskilled workers | Business | No | Training Employees | | | | | | | http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/apprenticeship |
| | View a wide array of resources to assist employers with recruiting, hiring, training and managing their workforce | Business | No | Training Employees | | | | | | | http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/det/employer.htm |
| | View resources from the technical college system about targeted training and employment of graduates | Business | No | Training Employees | | | | | | | http://www.wistechcolleges.org/employer-resources |
| | Find information about a grant program for employer-led training programs | Business | No | Training Employees | | | | | | | http://wisconsinfastforward.com |